Mr. Bean went to the movies
Friend : Why do you take 18 friends to watch the movies?
Mr. Bean: Because under 18 is not allowed.
Mr. Bean went to buy a thermos
Mr. Bean: What is this?
Salesman: This is a thermos.
Mr. Bean: What is it for?
Salesman: To keep the hot hot and the cold cold
Mr. Bean: Ha, ha. I want one
The next day
Mr. Bean went to the office with his new thermos
Boss: Why do you carry a thermos?
Mr. Bean: To keep the hot hot and the cold cold
Boss: So what's inside?
Mr. Bean: 2 cups of coffee and a scoop of ice cream
Mr. Bean in the office..
Mr. Bean is very careful, after zapping a copy on the copier,he always check that the copy is
exactly the same as the original.
Mr. Bean in thunder storm
Mr. Bean will always smile during a thunder storm, because he thoughtsomeone is taking pictures of him
Mr. Bean making a call
Mr. Bean is confused, he can't call 911.Because there is no number 11.
Mr. Bean works on the computer
Mr. Bean bought a new computer and started using it When he met with a problem he decided to press the "HELP" button.But after a while he decided to call up the shopMr. Bean: I pressed the F1 button to get help, but I've been waiting half an hour and no one came.
Mr. Bean went to see the doctor
Mr. Bean came with burn marks on both his ears
Doctor: What happened?
Mr. Bean: I was ironing and the phone rang. I mistook the iron and hold it to my ear.
Doctor: Wow..! But what happened to the other ear?
Mr. Bean: My stupid friend decided to call again...
Mr. Bean doing the jigsaw puzzle
After completing a jigsaw puzzle, he showed it off to his friend.
Mr. Bean: I only needed 5 months to complete it..
Friend: How come so long?
Mr. Bean: Long? Look, it's written "for 4-7 years" on the box.